Thursday, March 19, 2009

March 10, 2009

Dear Family and Friends,

We were finally able to talk to all of the doctors today. Unfortunately, the news was not good. After she was admitted into the hospital, they found blood clots in her lungs, near her heart and in her legs. She is also not able to breath on her own at all. We were hoping that they would be able to surgical remove some of the tissue and blood clots in her lungs so that she would be able to breath better. However, because of her unstable condition, the doctors did not think that she would be able to survive through such an ordeal. Chemotherapy is also not an option, the cancer is too far advanced and has reached too many places in her body. She will be coming home tomorrow and under the care of home health hospice. The oncologist that spoke to us was very good to my parents. He said that even though there was nothing more the medical world could do for her, she could go home and put this in the hands of the Lord. That is what we plan to do. We haven't given up hope; there are alternative methods that we are going to try. We are still praying for a miracle. My dad wants you all especially pray for strength, peace and wisdom. Please continue your faith and courage. Thank you for all the love, service and prayers that have been rendered on our behalf. I know that many of you will want to visit my mom at home, we will let you know when she has the strength to have visitors. I'll continue to send emails to keep you updated. Thank you again for all you have done.

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